The Men Who Stare at Goats – Vocabulary
to sanction – sakcionovať, dať povolenie
to be a nut – byť bláznivý
momento mori – “Remember your mortality” - names a genre of artistic work which varies widely, but which all share the same purpose: to remind people of their own mortality.
relentless - nemilosrdný
resolute - odhodlaný
embedded correspondents – korešpondent zarazený do Irák
prick – prepichnutie (nadávka pre mužské anatómiu)
to absorb - pohlcovať
a hairy situation – nebezpečný situácia
fact-finding mission – misie zistiť informácie
banner – prápor, vlajka
confidential – tajný, dôverný
to resolve conflict – vyriešiť konflikt, uzniesť sa spor
to utilize - zužitkovať
hollow - prázdny
French hoax - podvod
to salute – salutovať, pozdraviť
reactivate – reaktivovať, znovuaktivovať
black op (operation) – čierna, tajný misia
a role to play - úloha
disincentive - prekážka
to lock eyes with someone - zízať
queer - homosexuál
oddball - čudák
practical application – praktické využitie
shock and awe – šok a hrôza
check your 6 – skontrolujte šesť (za sebou)
to secure the perimeter – zabezpečiť perimetra
a bad apple – zhnitý jablko, zlý človek
eccentricities - excentricitie
bedouin - beduín
to fall for something – skočiť na niečo
Dim Sum - Dim sum is a Cantonese term for snack. However, dim sum more typically refers to a style of Chinese food prepared as small bite-sized or individual portions of food, traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. Dim sum is also well known for the unique way it is sometimes served in some restaurants, where fully cooked and ready-to-serve dim sum dishes would be pushed around on steam carts by servers who go around the restaurant offering the dishes to customers and marking orders on a card on each customer's table.
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